Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Expanding the Bacak Sphere of Influence

Bacak nation grew this week, as we now officially have a new nephew/cousin! My brother Rusty and sister-in-law Jenn officially welcomed Treston Jeremiah Bacak into the family via formal adoption. We were blessed to have spent this past weekend in Moulton with Grammy and Grandpa, Rus, Jenn, Emma, Jax, Justus and Treston. Check out Jenn and Rusty's blog linked to from our home page for all the scoop, and the wonderful story of God's hand in touching the life of Treston and each of us. Welcome to the fam, Little T-Bear!

1 comment:

Jennifer Bacak said...

You're awesome! Thanks D! He's for real a Bacak. It feels so good!
Love y'all!