Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wild Kingdom - Hawk vs. Squirrel

Got Squirrel?

Got Hawk?

Yesterday, Shelby witnessed the most amazing confrontation between a hawk and a squirrel - right in the back yard of our home in southwest Houston! Living in the big city, you lose sight of the battles of nature that occur. Anyone else experienced some amazing "Wild Kingdom" stories in the confines of "civilization"?


Jennifer Bacak said...

We had a possum come onto our back porch about a year and a half ago, with it's tail missing. Something had gotten to it, but this was a moment Emma has never forgotten. She talks about it still frequently.
I'm so glad you started blogging!!!

Darrell Bacak family said...

A tail-less possum. That's a good start. Our other issue is with our family cat (outdoor cat) Socrates. Apparently Socrates has too much time on his paws to think, because he has mastered the art of stalking and killing our squirrels. I'm not the world's biggest cat lover to begin with, and now he's messing with Rocky and his pals. If I find a moose down, Socrates will have to go. Nobody messes with Bullwinkle.

Anonymous said...

Walter Bacak here from Lakewood WA
Father Albert from El Campo TX Brother Ronald Bacak lives in Lebanon OR
I travel about 5 timea a year to Vietnam and around.
Leaving tomorrow again
How are you tied into the Elcampo Bacak's?
Walt Bacak